Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Opening up: An introvert’s guide to conversations

When you are an introvert, the difficulty and awkwardness of many social interactions becomes amplified. The kinds of conversations other may take in their stride, can be terrifying for you. An introvert’s default setting in these situations can often be to clam up and sink slowly into the background.

However, conducting a conversation, and even that often crippling small talk, doesn’t have to be the source of dread. You can follow these few tips and get your conversation game down. 

Get others to open up

Getting by as an introvert in a conversation doesn’t mean all of a sudden become motormouth. Having a few little phrases to hand can be useful to allow others to tell you about themselves and allow you to listen. For example, when we ask someone what they do, we very rarely have a decent follow-up response. Trying to say to someone after they’ve told you what to ‘Oh, that must be tough’ or ‘That sounds interesting’, this way they are likely to go into more detail about what they do, letting you be an interested listener.

Find common ground

We can often tense up when we feel we have nothing to offer to the conversation or can’t find an ‘in’. If you are discussing music, movies or TV shows, try and establish something that you and everyone is familiar with and that way you’ll have enough material to sustain you.

Tell people what you do, rather than what you don’t

If someone starts asking you what you do, you don’t always have to talk about your job. Instead focus on the things you like to do and which you have a passion for. You will find it much easier to open up about such things.

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